Plantar Fasciitis is a common, very painful condition that affects the sole of the foot. It's a condition that can affect both men and women, and is often described as a "stabbing" feeling in the foot, and it's often worse in the morning. Finding help and treatment for plantar fasciitis can be difficult, but at State 11, we're here to help!
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Content written by Greg Pritchard, RAPID NeuroFascial Reset Specialist, BTEC L5 Soft Tissue Therapy (CSSM), MFHT

Plantar Fasciitis involves pain across the bottom of the foot, often near or on the heel. It can affect men and women, and is often seen in people who wear heavy shoes or stand for a long time on hard floors.
People with plantar fasciitis often describe the pain as being worse in the morning, and being a "stabbing" pain in the foot.
Plantar fasciitis can be a long term condition and can be challenging to treat with convention therapies.
The foot is made up of twenty-six bones and 33 joints in each foot. On top of that, there are nineteen muscles and one hundred and seven ligaments.
Ligaments are strong connective tissues that connect bones to bones. The three main ligaments in the foot that can be linked to foot pain, heel pain or even ankle pain are the plantar fascia, the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament and the calcaneoocubiod ligament.
The plantar fascia is the main ligament involved in plantar fasciitis. It’s the longest ligament in the foot, and runs from the heel, along the sole of the foot to the toes, in a “bowstring” shape. Structurally, it forms the arch of the foot, and assists with balance and walking.
The plantar calcanonavicular ligament joins the calcaneus (that’s the heel bone) to a bone called the navicular, which is a bone in the mid foot. It also helps support the head of the talus – the bone that makes up the ankle joint.
The calcaneocubiod ligament joins the calcaneus to a bone called the cuboid, which (like the navicular) is a bone in the mid foot.
Since the average person has covered around seventy-five thousand miles by the time they’re fifty years old, the odd injury shouldn’t be a major surprise, and plantar fasciitis is relatively common, although it can vary in severity and duration.
In plantar fasciitis, inflammation and / or tiny tears to the plantar fascia cause pain in the area of the heel or slightly along the sole of the foot. The pain is generally worse first thing in the morning, after getting out of bed, and many people will describe it as a “stabbing” feeling in the heel.
Moving around will often cause the pain to decrease or even vanish, but sitting for a long time and then standing, or standing for a long time, can cause the pain to return.
The bowstring shape of the plantar fascia allows it to support the arch of the foot and act like a shock absorber. Whilst it performs this function very well, if the fascia undergoes too much stress or tension, small tears and inflammation can occur, which cause the pain so familiar to plantar fasciitis sufferers.
Unlike a muscle tear or a broken bone, there’s rarely one specific injury that someone with plantar fasciitis can point to as the cause of their injury. There are, however, factors that can put people more at risk of having the condition.
Age is one such factor – it is a condition most commonly seen in people between forty and sixty years old, and it is believed that being overweight can also be a factor.
Certain types of gait (the way you walk) and foot structure is also a possible risk factor. Flat feet (where the foot has a very low arch) or very high arches can stress the plantar fascia, because the weight of the body is distributed in an uneven pattern, which is also why certain types of gait can be an added risk factor.
Plantar fasciitis is also more common with certain types of sports or exercise that others – sports which put more stress on the heel such as ballet, some aerobics and long distance running can contribute to stress across the fascia.
Long periods of standing on hard surfaces has also been suggested as a risk factor for the condition.

Some people try to treat their plantar fasciitis at home. The most common home treatment for plantar fasciitis is rolling a small bottle of frozen water under the sole of the foot, which can both numb the sole of the foot and encourage gentle stretching of the fascia. While icing can reduce inflammation, it can also slow healing and - if used often enough - even reduce the chance of successful healing altogether.
Some people choose to use inner soles, either self-bought or with professional fitting. Inner soles can help support the plantar fascia in its "bow" shape, so that the foot is more supported and thereby reducing the pain. Unfortunately, inner soles can also change your natural gait pattern, which can cause pain elsewhere in the leg.
Painkillers can be helpful if you're able to take them with your medical history. While anti-inflammatories can reduce pain, they also reduce inflammation which is part of the healing process. Non-anti-inflammatory medication can also reduce pain without affecting healing. If you're not sure which medication you can take, please speak to your GP or local pharmacist.

If you decide to seek professional help for your plantar fasciitis, it’s not normally necessary for your GP to use any kind of imaging treatment to recognise plantar fasciitis, although it is possible that – depending on your description of the pain and what can be felt – that an x-ray or MRI may be suggested to rule out any fractures. X-Rays can show bone spurs or heel spurs which, in the past, were blamed for pain in the heel – however, while the spurs can be seen, they are often not to blame, and many people have spurs and do not have any pain.
Sometimes, your GP may offer steroid injections. Whilst these can provide temporary relief, repeated injections have been linked to possible weakening of the fascia, which is definitely not wanted!
Medical treatment for plantar fasciitis focuses on relieving the symptoms as the foot heals. Stretching and manipulation by a soft tissue therapist can help, as can kinesiology taping to support the bottom of the foot.
Often, the discomfort of plantar fasciitis can cause a change to the way the sufferer will walk, and this can cause stiffness or pain in the lower leg muscles, which soft tissue therapy can also assist with.
At State 11, we use an advanced manual therapy technique called RAPID NeuroFascial Reset which can help with plantar fasciitis so you can get back to moving easily again.
In some cases, we may also use sports taping (for support) and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation to help further.
Kieran says:
Just wanted to say a massive thanks to both Greg and Vic at State 11! I contacted them about lower back pain and I was pleased to hear they could help and gave me an appointment the next day!
I turned up, gracefully getting out the car looking like Quasimodo, hunched over and walking as if I'd done a number in my underpants.
Greg is extremely knowledgeable and his humour and friendly personality immediately put me at ease. After the appointment, I was walking standing straight with only a little discomfort which is normal, however a complete transformation compared to how I went in!
I can only speak for back pain but I highly recommend State 11 for their help during a time where I could barely move and felt I had temporarily lost independence!
Thanks guys!
Not all heroes wear capes.
Sharon says:
Greg, what can I say!? Yes you said I would be sore for a day or two and I was but the results so far are remarkable! You are a genius at your work, and a great guy to chat with, Thankyou Greg!!
Chris says:
Highly recommend Greg. My shoulder pain had been restricted me for months and after one session I have been able to move it a lot more and not in any pain. Thank you again